What is perimenopause?
Almost everyone gets perimenopause and menopause wrong. Perimenopause is a different experience. It is more like puberty in reverse. Some days you walk into a storm. Menopause on the other hand, is happening alongside aging and other mid-life challenges and responsibilities. In time, it will feel like calm after the storm. The sun rises again in the back half of our life. There’s hope!
The three stages of the
menopause transition.
Perimenopause is the long process leading up to menopause when our hormones start to shift, causing symptoms to arise.
Technically and medically, menopause is defined as the day you have gone a year without a period.
Anytime or anything after menopause is considered postmenopause.
What is surprising to many is how young one can be when there is an onset of symptoms. Perimenopause usually starts in your 40s, but if you are 37 experiencing symptoms, that can be normal too. You should always consult your doctor to rule out any other reasons for your symptoms.
Although symptoms in perimenopause are very common, most women get them; they are also temporary. And reversible if you know what is right for you to do.
MeWe&You can help you understand what works for you!
The average age for menopause to happen is 51. In a few exceptional cases, women may become menopausal in their 30s or younger. This is known as premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency.
A hysterectomy and surgical removal of the ovaries will create an immediate menopause, whatever the patient’s age.
Menopause is a natural passage of life. Women and some trans and non-binary persons, half the world’s population, go through it.
Menopause is not only hot flashes.
experience trouble sleeping
experience brain fog
experience anxiety and depression
Source: Fawcett Society 2022
It is good to know that the transition into mid-life doesn’t have to be a depressing time. It can be a great opportunity for personal growth and empowerment. We promise you!
Some women are glad to be free of their periods, not having to worry about unwanted pregnancy, and looking forward to a new phase of their life. Most symptoms are now gone or will disappear soon. Sex life can be much better, too!
Countless are the stories of women who have left their work at the height of their careers and lost their partners, friends, and confidence at a time in life when they should have thrived.
There has to be more that we can do to help.
Women deserve better!
What women - someone like MeWe&You - are saying.
“Well, how can we know, about perimenopause? Of course I have thought about it. It would certainly explain things for me. Like many of my symptoms.”
— Åsa, 46, in perimenopause
“We talk about our first period. We talk about pregnancy and childbirth. But when it comes to menopause. Nothing.”
— Anna, 54, in menopause
Your Menopause Made Easy - Together.