What is premenopause?
Almost everyone confuses premenopause and menopause, but they are two distinct experiences. Premenopause can be likened to a reverse puberty—some days, it feels like stepping straight into a storm.
Menopause, however, is part of aging and the other challenges we face in midlife. Over time, it becomes like the calm after the storm. The sun rises again in the second half of life.
Hold onto hope — the best may still lie ahead.
The different phases of menopause
Perimenopause, or premenopause, is the long process leading up to menopause, where hormonal changes begin and various symptoms may occur.
Technically and medically, menopause is defined as the day one year has passed without a spontaneous menstrual period.
Menopause is an umbrella term referring to the transitional period both before and after menopause.
The time after menopause and for the rest of life is traditionally called postmenopause. However, some doctors now suggest discontinuing the term "postmenopause." Since many women continue to experience symptoms for years after menopause, they argue that a woman should be considered in menopause for the remainder of her life.
What surprises many is how young you can be when symptoms start to appear. Perimenopause typically begins in the 40s, but if you're 37 and experiencing symptoms, it can also be completely normal. However, it's always important to consult a doctor to rule out other possible causes.
Symptoms during perimenopause are very common – most women experience them. But they are also temporary and can often be alleviated or reversed if you know what's right for you.
With MeWe&You, you get support to understand what works best for you.
The average age for menopause is 51 years. In some exceptional cases, menopause can occur as early as the 30s or earlier, termed early menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency.
A hysterectomy or surgical removal of the ovaries also leads to immediate menopause, regardless of age.
Menopause is a natural part of life. It is a transition affecting women, as well as some transgender and non-binary individuals – half the world’s population experiences it.
Menopause is not just hot flashes
experience sleep difficulties
experience brain fog
experience anxiety and depression
Source: Fawcett Society 2022
It's good to know that the transition to midlife doesn't have to be a depressing time. It can be an excellent opportunity for personal growth and taking control of your life. We promise!
Some women feel relieved to be free from their periods, no longer worrying about unwanted pregnancies, and look forward to a new phase of life. Most symptoms are now gone or will disappear soon. Sex life can also become much better.

There are countless stories of women forced to leave their jobs at the peak of their careers and lose their partners, friends, and self-confidence – precisely at a time in life when they should have been thriving.
We must do more to support and help.
Women deserve better.
What women, such as those using MeWe&You, say:
"Well, how are we supposed to know about perimenopause? Of course I've thought about it. It would certainly explain things for me. Like many of my symptoms."
— Åsa, 46, in premenopause
"We talk about our first period. We talk about pregnancy and childbirth. But when it comes to menopause. Nothing."
— Anna, 54, in menopause
Your Menopause Journey - Better Together
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